All pricing on medical-grade Redlight is below
Tanning with Redlight Helps:
Acne and Severe Skin Issues
Eczema, Psoriasis, Scarring, Stretch Marks, Age Spots
Depression, Anxiety, Mood
Decreased Blood Pressure
Pain and Increased Healing Times
If you are experiencing any pain due to bone issues, skin issues, or with your mood, the HybridSun may be worth a try! The hybrids are fairly new to the tanning industry, so we are all still learning. So far, we have discovered an enormous amount of people find relief from redlight and UVB rays. The key to it is tanning at least 2-3 times a week.

Halotherapy Benefits:
Improves respiratory health
Improves immune resilience
Promotes detoxification
Helps skin conditions
Helps with chronic pain
Relieves muscle tension & stress
Speeds up recovery
Enhances sport performance
TASTE the salty air.
SMELL the custom blended essential oils.
FEEL the warmth of the infrared heat.
HEAR the soothing voice of meditation.
SEE the chromotherapy and red light waves